Looking to entertain this summer? Check out this recipe for the perfect summer dish:
In a large venue, combine one iconic cultural institution with one burgeoning nonprofit organization. We chose Lincoln Center & BAE, but store-bought is fine.
Preheat the party to a sensible 72 degrees.
Fold in a drag queen and a DJ dressed as a classic Broadway character. We used Jasmine Rice and Annie, but feel free to improvise to suit your own tastes.
While that’s all simmering, prepare a side salad of BAExBroadway Rave merchandise (a visors, sunglasses, backpacks, t-shirts, and water bottles) to pair with your main dish.
Mix in 2,309 disco dancers from across the tri-state area, and shake/rattle/roll for 2 hours.
Best served in a glittery muumuu with a chance-of-rain garnish.
Check out photos of our finished product below:
PS If you like things a bit spicy, make sure your drag headliner forgets to edit one of her mixes to be child friendly…IYKYK
Photography by Silk Studios