I Wanna Be a PRODUCER!

Broadway for Arts Education interns Robert, Hayes, Cristian and Webz are participants of a BAE internship, supervised by Luis E. Mora, which gives them the opportunity to develop and produce their own projects. This winter they came up with the idea to produce an ART SHARE in their school’s auditorium. They were excited to share their own talents and also collaborate with their colleagues to put on a show, marking the first student production at their school since before the 2020 shutdown.

For young producers, these live events at their school mean so much more than simply putting on a show, it is an opportunity to change the narrative of their school and the reputation it holds within the community.

The winter ART SHARE was a complete success! Check out video to hear from BAE intern Robert about his experience as a producer.


Moulin Rouge Photo Flash


Alumni Spotlight: Aissatou Doukoure