Alumni Spotlight: Aissatou Doukoure

By Luis E. Mora

During the shutdown in 2020 Broadway for Arts Education quickly pivoted to an online model. Every single program became virtual, on zoom, even though we had very little idea what we were doing as teaching artists. It was in a zoom room that I met a wonderful young person, Aissatou Doukoure, lovingly known as Aicha. What’s funny to me is that when we met this person would not even turn on their camera because they were so shy, yet they went on to be one of the most involved and ferocious students in BAE history.

Today, Aicha is a BAE alum attending Cornell University after graduating from the Urban Assembly Academy of Government and Law (AGL) as Valedictorian. She recently sent me this reflection about her time with us.

My name is Aissatou Doukoure, I am currently a freshman at Cornell University. Previously, during my time in high school I have been a participant of BAE from 9th grade to 12th grade. One word to describe my experience with BAE would be ADVENTUROUS! I love everyone here! We were like a family sticking together even during challenging times such as Covid and more. We were comfortable opening up to each other, creating ideas and making them come to life together.

The support in BAE cannot be explained with words. Some of the coolest things we did in BAE was filming a short film, making a play based on Euphoria, getting internships with BAE that helped me expand my horizons, and attending many different events filled with incredible artists. I learned so much from this program that continues to follow me till this day! I created bonds that are unbreakable and most importantly I grew artistically in all aspects. Even during the tough times at school, everyone in the club especially my beautiful teachers Ms.Juanita, Luis and Ben helped me find myself and their advice has and will continue to contribute to my future success.

Aicha, we are very proud of you! BAE and your teachers will always be here to support you.


I Wanna Be a PRODUCER!


What will BAE be up to in 2030?