
We kicked off the new year with a new chapter by officially changing our name from Broadway's Babies to Broadway for Arts Education. We brought the announcement to life with a video/photo shoot on the iconic red steps of Times Square on the coldest day of the year. Our mouths were masked, so we let our bodies do the talking!

Why did we change our name?

To better reflect our mission. The population we serve is more than just babies and the goal of our programming is not to turn babies into Broadway stars, babysit for Broadway stars, or help babies who are currently starring on Broadway.

To appeal to our youth. The name “Broadway’s Babies” was putting up invisible barriers to young adults who might otherwise be interested in the performing arts, but don’t want to be referred to as babies. The slang word "Bae" is already a part of the lexicon of so many of our youth meaning "before anyone else." We've definitely upped our cool-factor in the eyes of our young artists.

To provide clarity to partners and funders. We need a name that no longer requires a long winded elevator pitch to explain. We can now quickly and clearly communicate who we are and what it is we do to potential new supporters and members of our community. The results speak for themselves, as our first year as BAE has been our biggest and best one yet!




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