Meet Mackendy

 Mackendy is the Broadway’s Babies art teacher for Lekol Sen Trinite and Wings of Hope in Jacmel, Haiti.. Mackendy was born in Port-au-Prince, but started living on the streets at a young age because his family was too poor to take care of him. He eventually moved to Jacmel with the promise of living in a home, but he was not treated well. Eventually Mackendy went to live at Trinity House, a home for boys in Jacmel which was a part of the St. Joseph Family. At Trinity House, Mackendy had the opportunity to live and be cared for with dignity and respect. He went to school and his love of art was fostered and supported. Now, as an adult he has been able to support himself with his art and by teaching art to others at Lekol Sen Trinite.

One of the most remarkable things bout Mackendy is his teaching style. With over 100 students with vastly different needs, he makes sure each child has the tools they need to express themselves with visual art: be it a tutorial on how to draw basic everyday objects, a lesson on color theory, or assistance holding the paint brush due to a physical disability.

Mackendy’s classes are the only non-performing courses, but that doesn’t stop him from showing off his students to the public, making sure they feel proud and confident. He makes sure a “live painting” element is incorporated into every school-wide show, and that they vast amount of art work is prominently on display. His students have even been able to make money, selling their art work to visitors.


Meet Devin