Tomas de Berlanga

BAE supports the music program at the Tomas de Berlanga school with instruments and curriculum. This was the first year that the music program was able to move from a virtual model for just a few grades, to having an in-person instructor for all grades. BAE was able to support this new expanded program and new teaching artist with a curriculum and classroom supplies. Administrators and teachers alike noted that the program was a good place to develop more than just music skills; like relaxation and meditation, social skills, communication, and most importantly, cultural knowledge. Students were able to participate in several performance opportunities for their peers and their communities. Highlights of the year include receiving a big shipment of new classroom instruments (cute unboxing video below!) and getting to participate in the pilot program of Sing For Hope’s Sustainable Development Goals curriculum. “It was really great to involve the students with some international curriculum and letting them know that it’s being done in different schools around the world was really motivating.” -Music Teacher, Mateo Jaramillo


School Name: Tomás de Berlanga

Location: Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

Programs: in person General Music, K-12

Participants: 140+

Duration: 29 hrs/week

Teaching Artist: Mateo Jaramillo

Partnered with BAE since: 2020


Programming was made possible thanks to support from Sing For Hope and BAE donors. The balance will be placed into a reserve, which are slated to fund on going materials and supplies needs and travel expenses when it is safe to visit again.

About the Teaching Artist, Mateo Jaramillo: From an early age, Mateo had an interest in generating a positive impact on society through artistic, social, and cultural projects. Currently, hand in hand with music and psychology, he carries out interdisciplinary work that seeks to benefit and contribute to the integral development of people and society in general. At the age of 12, he began his classical guitar training at the National Conservatory of Music in Quito, Ecuador, after this period he was part of the youth jazz program at USFQ where he explored contemporary music, which is part of his sound identity until today. He graduated with a degree in music production at UDLA in Quito where he consolidated and was part of some important musical projects. He continued his master's studies as a music therapist at UNIR in Spain, which has allowed him to consolidate his humanist vocation that focuses on providing well-being to people's mental health through his passion, music, and specifically nowadays through music therapy.


FY23 Academy of Government and Law