THANK YOU from the Shanti Bhavan Students

Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

Hi, I’m Gokul from the 12th Grade. My experience in the Shanti Bhavan choir has completely changed my life because, during the beginning of high school I was more of an introvert but after participating in private lessons and jam sessions I am no more afraid of big crowds.

The music program has made me feel empowered by showing me that even if you don’t believe in yourself if you give in to the fear you will grow stronger. Since I joined the music program I have progressed so much in my personality and the way I talk to my friends in a very positive way. When I first joined the music program I was afraid that I will mess up in a concert or crack on a visitor’s day, but the support I got from my peers and instructors always gave me the courage to keep trying. Now I think that I can sing well and interact well because of the support I got from my friends and instructors.

The music program has made the connection with my friends and teachers more like a bond with a family, I feel more closely connected and cared for while practicing in the music program. The thing I like most about the music program is to get a chance to spend time productively by learning music and making closer connections with people and by doing things with so much excitement and joy.

Thank you!

Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

BAE has helped me in many ways to become the brave and strong person I am today. One of the biggest challenges that I faced before I joined the program and during it was time management. I was not able to make it on time for my classes and I have been learning to take responsibility. I have learned a lot about time management. Now, I think that I am able to make it for class and other daily things in my life. While this learning process, I learned that I can manage things like being on time to class and take leadership roles in the program, and I was able to unlock my full potential.

One of the most inspirational figures in this program is Mr. Ben. He was a very positive and encouraging person who always kept things going during camp even when things got hard. He always had a smile on his face no matter what. These are a few qualities I look up to.

Thank you,

Dear BAE Supporters,

I think there was a lot of personal growth in me. This experience had a lot of impacts in me, my confidence boosted a lot. My skills had grown so much. Some challenges I overcame during this program, I overcame it by being confident which I had in me. I was feeling shy to sing, open my mouth and sing. But I came to know that if I open and sing the choir can sound better. I am proud of how far I have come from being a part of the BAE family. I really enjoyed being in choir. It released my stress and my feelings, it makes me feel better. I have learnt how to relax myself when I am very stressed or when my mind is not in a good state of mind.


Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

Hello, I am Manoj. I am part of the concert choir. My experience with my music family has brought a lot of color and cheerful memories. I see myself as far better than the day I first joined the choir. The reason for it was all the support that I got from everyone that has been part of the music team. I have learned many new things I was not familiar with before like using my head voice and chest voice. My favorite part of choir is the jam time and the time when we learn to sing new songs and seeing not only myself grow but how my other fellow mates grow.

My goal for this term in choir is to take up more solos and coming out from my comfort zone to participate more. I would like to thank everyone who has made this possible not only for me but for everyone.

Thank you so much!

Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

My name is Yogesh. I am studying in the 9th grade and I love singing. The staff and the teachers here are very supportive of each one's ambition in life. I am part of the concert choir and my music teachers are really supportive to me. A time when I was being supported was when I was learning a new song. My teacher helped in the words; I started to get it quickly. Now I can learn songs really fast along with my friends who are part of the choir. My inspiration is Miss Brittany because she has a really beautiful voice. She sings really well. Miss Brittany helps children to improve their voice by taking voice lessons. I personally have improved my voice by taking voice lessons.

For me, being part of a community taught me how to collaborate with my friends. An area we had collaboration was when we were making a musical called "A Change for a Change." The music program has helped me a lot in improving my voice.

Thank you,

Dear Broadway For Arts Education Supporters,

A specific moment in the music program I felt empowered was the time when I had to act out the sun scene in the musical. Even though I already did it previously, the BAE volunteers, teachers and my friends were really supportive. Everyone gave me courage and many people placed their trust on me to ensure that the scene was a blast. Many of the people encouraged me by calling me and constantly checked on me. It played a very important role in increasing my confidence level and opened up my talent of acting. It was the first time taking up an acting role and the volunteers and teachers were very supportive. They were also cheering for me. This experience taught me that the best acts can be put together only with the cooperation and trust of everyone on the team.

A challenge I faced in the music program was being open and loud about my voice. The first step I took was making myself comfortable around the BAE teachers and got to know them on a personal level. This step helped me become more open and loud about myself. Since I got to know them more, I became comfortable and did something I never did. I took up a SOLO! It was a new experience and I felt more confident and comfortable about my own voice. I learnt that my voice is beautiful in its own way and now I am no more afraid to sing in public spaces or in front of anyone. The music program has been very supportive in finding my voice and has helped me grow in ways I never knew I could.

Thank you for supporting us.

Dear Broadway For Arts Education Supporters,

My music journey was really amazing. I joined choir only in the 10th grade and now I'm in the 12th grade, wow I've come a long way only because of the immense amount of support I've received. The two years I've been in choir has really helped me a lot. I enjoyed the opportunities I got. My virtual piano classes has really turned me into a better piano player. I am really happy that I got the opportunity to have virtual lessons.

I am excessively grateful to all the donors and supporters of this program. If not for them, then I doubt this wonderful music programme will take place. I really appreciate them.

Choir has really taught me such wonderful skills from the smallest thing by standing on stage to perform in front of a large crowd, to doing solos in choir. Choir has really made me a more confident person allowing me to explore myself and coming out of my comfort zone.

Thank you!

Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

I want to start this by saying how much I love this program and the teachers & mentors of this program. This music program community brought about a sense of belonging and teamwork for it brought us together to have fun and take pride in the small parts we play in this community. It helps us understand each other better and it motivates us to give our best. I am very thankful to have this program since it helps us understand our abilities better and helps us to grow confident and BRIGHTER. And with the help of our teachers and mentors, we grow together bringing everyone else up with us, supporting them if they need it and having someone to help you grow all along. GROWING AND watching everyone else grow is so wonderful.

And the ARTS CAMP OF 2024 was one of my favorite memories of the year. I loved being part of the dance team for the musical we had put together at this arts camp. I think I gave my best and I loved the outcome of it.


Thank you,

Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

Hello! I’m Anwesh and I’m in the twelfth grade. The BAE program is nothing but AWESOME and AMAZING! A time I faced a challenge was when I had to do a solo for a new song we were learning. I was very nervous, but my friends and teachers encouraged me and they were very supportive. Every time I made a mistake, they guided me with patience. In the end, we all sang the song very well. Now I feel more confident and I have my new choir buddies.

I am also grateful to our donors and supporters for making BAE possible. Your support and help have made it possible for me to explore my interest in music and also meet and learn with professional musicians who are not just great at their work but are also wonderful humans.

Thank you so much!

Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

My inspiration is Miss Brittany because she supports me all the time. She made me a confident person. She taught me lessons. Because of her I am one of the best singers and have such a strong voice. She has taught me a strong, confident, young girl today. She taught me how to never give up.

In anything I do I really enjoy every bit of choir because of her. She is very kind and humble. I want to become a singer like her. I wish I could sing like her. I am proud of myself that I joined choir because of her advice.

Thank you,
Monisha C.

Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

The challenge I faced during the music program was singing. Most of the time, my friends especially and in front of a large crowd. It was hard for me to sing because I was getting scared and I was nervous. My friends helped me overcome this problem by telling me to not get scared and nervous. They stood beside me and helped me sing. They also encouraged me so I can feel comfortable and happy when I am singing. BAE had supported me by making me believe in myself. They have taught me to express myself to music.


Dear BAE Supporters,

Through music I have become more creative and confident. This helped me face more challenges such as taking a hard test. This also gave me the confidence to speak about something I dislike or a hard conversation. I can think beyond and out of the box for writing stories, poems, and songs.

Dr. Chris has inspired me to be courageous even when making a mistake. I learned that you should make mistakes loud and proud so that you can learn from them better. No matter how scared you are on stage always feel the music in you and this will help you overcome the fear. Dr. Chris is very sweet which inspires me the most.


Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

When I joined the choir everyone around me—the BAE volunteers and my choir friends—encouraged me to not be afraid and be confident with my voice. Their support has made a significant difference in my learning journey from the start because now I sing confidently and I encourage my juniors to sing confidently and proudly.

Some skills I have developed through the program are to always be confident with yourself and your voice, taught me to learn new things, step out of my comfort zone, and taught me to be punctual.

This has allowed me in balancing out my studies and other activities and appreciate my voice. This has also allowed me to be punctual for my classes and meetings. It has allowed me to do roles I didn't expect.


Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

I am Aakash Varma from the 9th grade. I have recently joined the choir and I felt like I was an odd one out, but the teachers and staff have supported and encouraged me. They did this by including me in everything which made me feel loved and respected. It reminded and brought back many of my happy memories. A specific incident was when I newly joined the choir and I felt awkward, but Ms. Brittany introduced me to the choir. I felt like a part of the choir family. She made sure that all the new kids got the opportunity to sing on stage when we recently joined. This motivated me to not be afraid of anyone and to never feel left out.

Thank you,

Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

BAE helped me come out of my comfort zone by helping me sing. They helped me overcome fears of singing and stage fright. An example is when Ms. Brittany asked me to join the choir (bass). I told her that I was scared and could not do it. She encouraged and motivated me to sing openly in front of huge crowds. BAE not only helped me to sing but also to take part in dance and other extracurricular activities.

Now I have a much better voice compared to before. I developed a skill that will help me and others in the future. Choir has taught me to be responsible and punctual. These virtues will be carried into my future. It teaches us to respect our commitment and put our full effort into what we do.

In the future, I plan to pursue a music career, also as my part-time job. This will help to be motivated and work towards this goal. I can use my voice to change people’s thoughts to happiness. I hope this letter will help me learn more and achieve my goals.

Thank you!

Dear BAE Supporters,

The teachers have encouraged me by making me sing for the school as well as visitors. This makes me feel more confident in myself because I am usually scared to sing in front of the whole school.

This music program has helped me voice out myself. A challenge I faced is singing in front of the school and not knowing the lyrics of some songs. I overcome it by learning the lyrics and performing for visitors. This made me get over my stage fear and show my talents to the world.

Thank you,
Aishwarya 😊

Dear BAE Supporters,

Being a part of this musical program has been an absolute journey. When I first knew about choir it seemed too profound and amazing for me to be a part of, but when I auditioned for the choir in my freshman year and became a part of it, I finally realized the intent the choir was truly about. It was not the perfect pitches or harmonies that were presented in the trembling stage but the thoughtful practices and tuning again and again until all the voices put together one by one started to explode into a harmony. From my childhood, my voice was too high and squeaky for the liking; however, everything that I felt about my voice changed the day I auditioned for the choir.

Once in school, I was too nervous for what was to come out of all the criticism about my voice. Being one of the last few people left for the audition, I packed my mind to be highlighted and then quit school building. However, when I entered the music room and saw my choir mate’s and I didn’t feel like it would be that bad after all. As I tried and went higher and higher on the keys and notes I realized that it wasn’t too bad after all. I had never tried to expand my voice like this before. After the session, Dr. Chris was pretty impressed with my range on the higher octaves saying that I might have the highest soprano voice in the entire school choir.

As I left the room, my viewpoint on my voice completely changed. Something that I’ve learned is that our thinking has a very limited breathing here. An impressive trait that seemed nothing less than a milestone to be proud of. All this change today was possible because of my one day of courage to join the choir and the supporting teachers that guided me. This is why everyone can change. It has made a positive impact all the way till the semester's end. That significantly is one key that all the teachers and the supporters of BAE can wear this as more than a badge.

Thank you,

Dear Broadway for Arts and Education Supporters,

Firstly, personal Growth and Empowerment. Before I started doing many things related to music when I was in grade 3. In 5th grade I started learning the piano. Well I was really scared in 5th I had to learn a song piece and play for the huge crowd. It was really freaking. I thought I could never do it however after the song many people complimented me. The confidence I built in 5th grade was really like 10%. I guess. As time went by I kept playing the piano and performed many times. In 8th grade was one of the scariest times I have ever faced. I had to play in the school. I kept failing all the way to 9th grade. In 8th one of music teachers part of BAE helped me in playing the piano and bring the other 90% of confidence. Through this journey my skills for piano seemed to be really awesome. Every year I would try to build different skills.

Secondly, Support and Encouragement. After taking the above example I was given a lot of support and many people encouraged me. I joined choir when I was in grade 10. This was because I was invited by two people who I love. After they mocked me they spoke to me and encouraged me to come for choir. They helped me find my voice and also find my passion for and other kinds of talents.

Thirdly, Challenges. I had to face many challenges overtime not only in music but also in many things. A challenge I faced the most is when I played the school set song. Many people made fun of me and discouraged me. However BAE helped me a lot while I faced my challenges and I was happy to face the challenge because it helped to face many other challenges like studies.

Thank you,

Dear Broadway For Arts Education Supporters,

A specific moment that made me feel empowered was when I was very new to choir. I joined the junior choir and I was assigned to be the leader so taking that responsibility made me more confident and now I am able to take up responsibilities and be a leader.

Being part of this music program has helped me grow so much and I have learned to work together. Music also reduces my stress. When I start working and doing my higher studies and I am really tired I will listen to music to reduce my stress level and just enjoy the company of music.

Thank you,
Monika. S

Dear BAE Supporters,

The BAE music program has helped me grow as an individual and a part of a community over the years. I started my musical journey as a timid choir member, not at all confident in her voice and its power, but through the immensely meaningful songs I learned and the never-faltering encouragement and support you gave me, I can proudly say that I've grown into a singer with conviction in her talent and courage in her heart. The program has also taught me the value of togetherness. Music, in its various forms, including choir, jazz, and just listening to songs or instrumental pieces, has brought us together unlike anything I know. Belting to Adele and understanding lyrics of OneRepublic's "Apologize" has made me realize how lucky I am to be able to share something I love doing, with others who enjoy it as much as I do. It has made us a true family, bound by love, united by chords. It has shown me that as one person, we are melodic, beautiful and independent, but when joined by others of diverse passions and beliefs, we are a harmony, a symphony of inclusion and meaning. This growth is a testament to what could be, what will be, because of those like you, who believe in us and our stories, and for that, I couldn’t be more grateful.

Thank you,

Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

My name is Samuel and I am currently studying in the eleventh grade. I like to sing, listen to music, play the guitar, and especially playing the drums. Participating in the Broadway for Arts Education has broadened my knowledge and passion for music. They have introduced me to a whole new world where I can make many wonderful memories.

Talking about my passion for drums, I first started to learn to play the drums when I was starting my tenth year in school. It was my board exam year so I had to put my full attention into my studies and put away music for that year and put my full attention into studies. Unfortunately, I started getting stressed and that was a time in my life when I regretted putting music aside for a few weeks. Slowly I started to reintroduce music into my life. I started to try the drums. At first, my legs and hands were unable to coordinate. Later through practice and private lessons, I became better. From the Broadway for Arts Education team, I was able to learn how to put music into rhythms and beats. Currently, I am the school choir's drummer and all this has happened because of your support for Broadway for Arts Education.

Thank you,

Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

For me, all the teachers and mentors in the music program have inspired me. I don’t think everything could ever be better than how we are now because everyone’s efforts make the lives of many happy. Dr. Chris’s voice is amazing and I’m sure I can’t be greater than him. His voice is able to hit every pitch and note and I’m sure there are more things about his voice that we are not aware of. Mr. Ben, hands down, does this talented thing that I guess no one could do or accomplish. The piano he plays comes alive just to entertain the audience. I know that this world can be better because of the talented things that Mr. Ben can do. Ms. Brittany has this mature understanding and a really amazing opera voice. I wish I could hit that pitch at least once in my lifetime. Ms. Manu, how can I forget the person who understands our lives like no one and makes our days as wonderful as hers. Her cute voice (especially in Spanish) can outstand the beauty of many voices. Her love for us would make us want to never stay distanced ever. Shravani’s voice is amazing, especially for the rangama he sings. I see that his passion for music inspires me to never give up on something I love even though it brings out many feelings out of me. Mr. Rahul, your piano lesson I had was memorable but I can see that I enjoyed every time you made sure I got what I wanted.

All of you’ll bring the best out of me. I love music but most of all I love it because of you’ll. If there were memories of music, you’ll will be present in it. In my life, there is no music if there were no you’ll. I love you’ll.


Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

A specific moment in the music program that made me feel empowered was when I was asked to play the piano for the choir of Shanti Bhavan for the concert and other performances. This experience had a positive impact on my confidence and skill as it helped me to get rid of my stage fear and become better at playing the piano and violin. The teachers have always helped me to perform and get the best out of me. An example was when I had to perform the violin and the piano for the very first time. My teacher has always given me the positive energy I require to be myself.

The music program has helped me in my listening skills and helped me a lot in maintaining my class grades. The program has also helped me in being more independent in my work and also to communicate better with my friends and others whom I interact with. I am personally very grateful to get to be a student of BAE.

Thank you,

Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

Broadway for Arts Education is really important to me because it brings a lot of color to my life through music. For me, it means a lot because music is how I get over my bad times. There was a time when I wasn't feeling good about myself, but Ms. Brittany spoke to me and I felt much better. BAE is always a source of happiness to all of us at Shanti Bhavan.

I joined the school choir in the 7th grade because I felt that it was the best way of expressing myself. I then realized that it was the best place to be. Now it is my 5th year in choir and I love being a part of it. BAE has filled our choir classes with a lot of joy and it helps make my life complete.

Thank you for supporting my passion for music.

Dear BAE Supporters,

A time that made me feel empowered was when we did the musical program at the end of BAE. After this program, I felt confident and I thought I was the best singer like Selena. One teacher that made me confident and made sure I don't give up was Dr. Chris. And I am a person who gives up and never tries but this was the first time I tried and gave my best.

Thank you,

Dear BAE Supporters,

I have developed my confidence level through the music program. This skill has helped me by speaking in public without fear. A teacher that has inspired me is Ms. Manu. I like the way she plays the instruments and uses her voice.

Thank you,
Sujitha. A

Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

The teachers and the staff of the music program have helped me a lot through my hard times in choir. The staff has given me hope and courage to sing in front of the big audiences at school. The first day I joined the choir was really hard for me and Miss Britany and Dr. Chris motivated me to sing. I enjoy every single day of choir because it starts my day with laughter and fun. Now I am strong and able to sing loud without the fear of mistakes I might make.

I faced many challenges through my journey in choir - a big challenge I faced and overcame is to sing loud and proud without fear of judgment. I overcame it with the help of Miss Manu and Mr. Shavan. They motivated me to sing loud and open up, and they taught me that every voice is beautiful and important. I love choir now and it always makes me happy. Every day I wait for choir so I can spend time with my friends and I can sing.

Thank you!

Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

I am Arasu from the twelfth grade. I play the piano and am also part of the school choir. Music has always been a huge & important part of my life. It has taught me many lessons & skills that have impacted me in many areas of life such as schoolwork & personal relationships. A really important skill music has taught me is hard work is more important than talent. Life is always filled with new things to learn but I learned to never stop working on what I already know. Sometimes I wonder why my music teachers always do the same practice drills most of the time. And over time I learned that it had improved my musical talents in significant ways.

The music program has given me the opportunity to learn, respect & love music. Thank you to all those who made this program possible & helping me find an everlasting friend, MUSIC!

Thank you,

Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

Stepping out of my comfort zone helped a lot in my schoolwork. I started to ask many questions. I am still working with getting out of my comfort zone. I hope I do one day. Through the music program I learned to live in the orange zone. I stepped out of my comfort zone. This has helped me express my thoughts and opinions. It has taught me how important vulnerability is. I even learned to love myself and appreciate anything. The music program also taught me to be positive no matter what.

Thank you,

Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

Joining choir was always a happy moment for me. I really liked singing in choir and it makes me more open and show everybody who I am. I've been in choir for almost one year and one challenge I faced was singing in front of everybody but after singing in jam sessions I felt more confident and started singing in front of my friends and the choir team.

Thank you,

Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

I was fearful and shy to sing in front of huge crowds. But after joining Shanti Direction which opened opportunities to sing duets and join the choir, I became more confident, brave, and I never knew I would sound so good. My confidence boosted up, which helps me do my news, public speaking, etc. Confidently, all because of the opportunities BAE had given me. I appreciate everything BAE had done for me. I love BAE. You BAE have made me ready for the future.

Thank you,

Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

I have changed so much from when I joined choir.

  • I used to be scared of singing at first.

  • I did not feel good singing in front of a crowd.

  • But I overcame it as I got help from my friends and the music teacher.

  • Miss Britany is my inspiration because she can sing very sweetly.

  • Dr. Chris is also my inspiration because I like the way he sings in opera voice which is very low.

  • Singing helped me in seeing my talent and has helped me in my confidence.

  • It has helped me in seeing myself through singing.

Thank you for supporting the BAE.

Dear BAE Supporters,

Thank you for taking your time and coming teaching us. You all taught us so much and made our lives more easier and fun. Thank you for always encouraging me to be confident and strong while performing to a huge audience. An example would be on the 2 weeks break where we practiced with you all and it was one of my best memories with you all, and I performed a solo by myself which was because of all your support. And now I think I am very confident in performing any show to you all. I am very proud of myself that I challenged myself by doing a new activity as I took music to be a part of my life and I feel that music has changed my life totally. And as I am part of the chair I think I enjoyed a lot but on the other side I felt nervous as I was to be performed front of everyone. And now I think because of all of you’ll I am very grateful that you all supported me and showed me my true self. And I think it has helped me envision my path and helped me to be confident and also show everyone my talents. And it is really easy for me to come in front of everyone and stand confidently. And I thank you all for all the work that you’ll have done for us.

Thank you!!!

Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

My challenge was singing in front of a large crowd. I overcame this by first singing in small crowds like singing in jam sessions. Then when I felt comfortable I started singing in front of everyone. I learnt that I can express myself through singing, the best. BAE has supported me by believing in me and giving me the opportunity of being part of choir which had made my life really fun and enjoyable. For me, all teachers part of the music program are my inspiration. One quality that I admire about you all is your teamwork and your ability to stay together even in the most difficult situations.

Thank you,

Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

My name is Kanishkar and I'm in the 9th grade. I just joined the choir because it was the only place where I could let go of my stress. The teachers encouraged me by helping me to sing and overcome my fear and bringing the confidence. I have learned how to go high and low and that was really hard in the beginning. I used to sing out of beat or too fast or too slow and this helped me to learn the importance of teamwork and now I'm very proud of being in the choir. I'm very thankful for the donors for helping and supporting me.

Thank you!

Dear Broadways for Arts Education Supporters,

A moment that made me feel empowered in the music program was when I joined choir and started taking solos. This helped me boost my confidence in singing in front of a huge audience. In the beginning when I joined choir I felt so out of place. I was the only girl in my class who joined choir. It was my dream to join choir. I started singing solos and made many friends in choir. One of my music teachers encouraged me to sing solos and this made a big change in me. Miss Katy was always my inspiration, she used to give techniques to stay calm when we go sing on stage in front of the audience and this has helped me in public speaking.

Thank you,

Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

In this music program, I am looking forward to doing solos, overcoming my fear to sing, and trust myself.

My choir teachers like Ms. Brittany, Dr. Chris, and Mr. Ben always encourage me to sing because I don’t feel good about myself. I also feel like my voice is not strong. When I feel negative about myself, my teachers always motivate and encourage me to sing. Singing is something I love and I don’t want to give up because of the negative thoughts about myself.

One while we were practicing, Dr. Chris told everyone to watch me when I was singing, and at the end of practice time, Dr. Chris told me to start taking solos which is very new to me, and right now I feel confident with my voice. Thank you to my choir teachers for giving confidence for singing.

Thank you,

Dear BAE Supporters,

BAE has been such a big part of my life. The music education that we receive here is so different. It has become home to me, where I fear no more to express my real emotions. It has helped me grow and heal, teamwork being the most important aspect of all. I have learned that everyone’s voice matters in this world, whether soft, loud or even a whisper. Its impact on me as a person is bigger than any change I have ever faced. It actually changed me by making me feel good about myself, teaching me self-love and it is okay sometimes to cry. It has inspired me to write. This aspect that will be my shadow through light and dark. To all the donors out there, I can’t express my gratitude for your help towards this program. I can’t emphasize enough of how much it has changed my life. Music is home filled with joy, laughter, sadness all emotions put together it makes a rainbow. BAE has pushed me to live in the orange. I have learned that there is more of myself than I have explored. It is because of you that I can touch the impossible.

Thank you,

Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

In this program, I have improved my drum skills. I learned how to listen to the song and play according to it and learned new tricks. It has helped me personally because when I'm angry I go and play the drums and I become cool.

The challenge I faced was learning ballet, an air ballet. I overcame this challenge by watching Mr. David do the steps. And I tried all day doing them and I became good at it now.

Thank you,

Dear BAE Supporters,

Thank you for making me overcome my fear of singing in big crowds and playing the piano in front of the whole school. Music has become a favorite part of my life and gives me confidence in speaking in front of everyone. Music is the only way I can express my feelings and helps me overcome my stress. Your support and encouragement have brought me all the way to 12th grade. Today I can stand by myself and sing in front of everyone. It is because of the passion for singing and playing instruments the BAE have brought in my life.

BAE program has taught me to believe in myself and express my opinion. It also taught me to teach music to everyone else who doesn’t know about music. This is now my future goal in life. Music has made me step out of my comfort zone and help me manage my stress. All the things that were difficult and hard got solved because of music. Music gave me confidence in everything I do in life.

Thank you!

Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

One skill that I developed through the music program is my confidence. It has helped me speak bravely. A teacher I like/inspired me is Mr. Ben. I like his confidence and the way he sings.

Thank you,

Dear Broadway for Arts Education Supporters,

I am Surya from the tenth grade. BAE has played a very important role in boosting my confidence and communication skills. I learned how to express my feelings and emotions through music. Previously, before I joined the BAE program, I was very nervous and had trouble performing in front of a huge crowd. Now, I am confident enough and can overcome my nervous feelings just by singing my favorite song. This also helps me during exams and helps me release my stress.

One of my biggest challenges that I faced was coming out of my comfort zone and I was always thinking about what other people would tell about me. Now, with the help of the BAE staff, I am able to come out of my comfort zone and explore new things that I thought I would never do. During my program, I felt like I can express my feelings and thoughts freely without being criticized. I am very thankful for this wonderful opportunity that helps me build my character and discover my strengths.

Thank you!



A Weekend of Keys and Enthusiasm: Mr. Rahul Brings the Joy of Piano to Shanti Bhavan


BAE’s Award Winning LGBTQIA+ Inclusive Curriculum