Shanti Bhavan Virtual Choir

During the pandemic, we had to pivot to a virtual model for our music program at Shanti Bhavan Children’s Project. At first, we hoped it would be a good temporary fix to support the student emotionally through the stress and uncertainty of the pandemic, but we quickly found it to be engaging for the students in a new way and were able to reach out to teachers from around the world to teach weekly lessons virtually. Since then we have continued having weekly virtual choir classes with Dr. Christopher Sierra and myself. For me, I feel so grateful to consistently check in and see our Shanti Bhavan students. Each week we laugh, talk about our favorite artists and connect to our ourselves and each other through singing. I always leave with a smile on my face.

-Brittany Stone, Shanti Bhavan Program Coordinator & Teaching Artist


Why is BAE so Special? Let’s Hear It From Our Youth.


Better Tomorrow Scholarship Announcement