Normal Heart Cast Announcement


Larry Rogowsky, Ben Weeks
Kal Kalil, Craig Donner
Damon Clyde, Examining Doctor
Bryan Campione, Hiram Keebler
Kyle Pickett, Grady
Julie James, Stage Directions

Matthew Corozine, Ned Weeks
Adam Dulin-Tavares, Felix Turner
Randy Graff, Dr. Emma Brookner
Elijah Caldwell, Tommy Boatwright
Tom Berklund, Bruce Niles
Jordan Roth, Mickey Marcus

Cast members also include drag legend Rose Levine, Coulby Jenkins, Lynda DeFuria, Patrick Clark, Matthew Labanca, Benny Enfinger, Brett Radek, Nathan Nolen Edwards, Steve Riggle, Alex Quiroga, and Xiao Xiao Sun. The reading will be produced in part by a team of youth interns led by Broadway for Arts Education and The Center: Jermy Quiroz, Alastair Feliciano, Irati Castaneda, Nicole Ruiz, AJ Sinclair, Bo de La Rosa, Alley Long, Gabriela Vivanco, and Artie Brown. Isaac Byrne (The Other Mozart) directs the evening, with Haley Rice acting as Assistant Director, Stage Management by Thomas Dieter, Lighting Design by Zach Pizza, Sound Design by Vrialto, Casting by Tessa Faye Talent, LLC, Graphic Design by Sarah Faye Beard, Music Direction by David Baldwin, Production Assistant Trevor Markanovic.

Ned: “Is big mouth a symptom?”

Emma: “No, a cure.”

These lines from Larry Kramer’s The Normal Heart are the embodiment of what our team of 12 youth interns from NYC and Salisbury, NC are up to this semester, adding a new impressive line to their resumes: Producer!

In addition to learning how to identify, develop, communicate, and action their social, emotional, and technical “assets,” our young producers will shadow Broadway industry professionals to learn about project management, fundraising, marketing, lighting & sound design, casting, front of house management, and stage management culminating in a benefit reading of Larry Kramer’s The Normal Heart on Dec 1 at The LGBT Center in New York City.

The show will star a cast and crew of Tony-award winning actors, producers, theater industry leaders, and queer-rights advocates, eager to share their talents on stage and off as mentors to our junior producers.

In a world where queerness is still very much under attack by government institutions, this piece was chosen as a vehicle to connect queer stories past, present, and future, and bring together the LGBTQ+ community across generations to continue to speak out and act up for queer lives and queer futures.

Tickets ($120), go on sale on November 1st, and proceeds from the reading will support internship programs for queer and trans youth in New York City and in rural communities around the United States. This benefit reading is made possible by generous support from [Straighten Your Crown Productions], The LGBT Center, Terrie Hess Child Advocacy Center, and Broadway for Arts Education.


✨Teaching Artist Spotlight: Amanda Santiago✨


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