Monthly Art Share at Shanti Bhavan

In our music programming Shanti Bhavan, we are committed to nurturing the artistic and personal development of our students, understanding that education goes classrooms. To support our budding artists, we have introduced a monthly Art Share, aiming to provide a platform for our students, from kindergarten to 12th grade, and even giving our teaching artists a chance to showcase their musical talents and hard work.

Our monthly Art Share is designed to celebrate the diversity and progress of our students' musical journeys. We believe that every student, regardless of age or skill level, has something unique to share. These concerts will feature a wide range of performances, from works in progress to fully mastered pieces, encompassing a variety of instruments, genres and styles. This inclusive approach ensures that every child gets the opportunity to step into the spotlight.

Beyond providing performance opportunities, these concerts serve as a learning platform for our students. They offer invaluable experiences in preparation, practice, and presentation, teaching lessons in perseverance, discipline, and the joy of achievement. The process of preparing for these concerts encourages students to set goals, work towards them diligently, and experience the satisfaction of sharing their achievements with an audience.

Check out clips from our Art Shares below!


Neighbors: Brooklyn Author to Bronx Poets


Moulin Rouge Photo Flash