I Got Accepted to My Dream College: A #BetterTomorrow Story

from : Luka

“I got accepted to my dream college!”

To all of the BAE 12th graders who are waiting for their college acceptance letters - check out this encouraging story from Luka, a member of one of BAE’s various drama clubs around New York City.

From the moment they stepped foot on campus for their first interest meeting, they knew that this was the right place for them. They were nervous, being the only one from their high school to attend, but immediately felt a connection with the college and the recruitment officer. The tight-knit community and the wooded environment made them feel at home.

Then, terror set in. They were so afraid of loving something so much that the fear of not getting accepted was almost too much. Even though there may have been other colleges that were interested in them, they were so scared of getting rejected from a place that felt like a part of their destiny!

They were so grateful that they had the BAE drama club to distract themselves from obsessing over whether or not they were going to get in. The club helped them focus all of their nervous energy on the here & the now, and to stay positive throughout it all.

“When I received my acceptance letter, I cried – not once, but five times!”

Even though their story has a happy ending, working with their teachers at BAE, and feeling comfortable enough to express their anxiety, helped them realize that no matter what happened, they would always be worthy of an amazing future. #bettertomorrow

“The community I found at BAE was exactly what I needed to combat my own lack of motivation and lack of positivity. My acceptance to my dream college has given me the extra push I needed to finish my high school career and to work even harder. I’m excited to start this new chapter of my life and see what the future holds!”


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