A Weekend of Keys and Enthusiasm: Mr. Rahul Brings the Joy of Piano to Shanti Bhavan

This past weekend, the halls of Shanti Bhavan resonated with the beautiful melodies of the piano, thanks to a special visit from our piano teacher, Mr. Rahul. Mr. Rahul traveled from Mumbai to spend a dedicated weekend with our enthusiastic students.

Throughout the weekend, Mr. Rahul conducted a series of engaging piano lessons and workshops, meticulously tailored to address the individual needs of each student. Mr. Rahul couldn't help but remark on the students' dedication and focus. They were sponges, readily absorbing his knowledge and diligently practicing the techniques he shared. One key area of development was hand independence – the ability to play separate melodies with each hand. Mr. Rahul's workshops equipped them with valuable exercises and tips to achieve this crucial skill.

Rhythm also took center stage during the workshops. Mr. Rahul's guidance instilled a deeper understanding of rhythm and timing, helping the students translate their musical ideas into captivating performances. We at BAE are incredibly grateful to Mr. Rahul for his dedication and passion, and we look forward to witnessing the continued musical growth of our talented students!




THANK YOU from the Shanti Bhavan Students