KPOP: BAE Visits Broadway & Broadway Visits BAE!

Back in December, 75 BAE students and 10 chaperones hit the bright lights of Broadway to see KPOP! [Shout out to longtime donor Joe Cherner for sponsoring the trip!]

These field trips are always the highlight of our semesters, but little did we know how epic this trip would turn out to be!

The day before our field trip, the show announced it was closing that weekend. We were all worried about how the news might affect the show, as all of the performers had just found out they wouldn’t have jobs for much longer…

We were all in for the biggest surprise treat: the theater was FILLED with superfans who had turned out in droves to cheer on their beloved KPOP cast members. The energy was beyond what many of our veteran theater-going teachers had ever experienced, and more than we could’ve dreamed for our students seeing a Broadway show for the first time. They jumped in right away: laughing, cheering, and clapping along with the performers and passionate audience. There were even a few unscripted tears shed by cast members who were clearly moved by the audience’s support.

Afterwards, the cast took to social media to rave about the hyped-up crowd, making the students feel like they were a part of something truly special.

Then, to make the experience even better, cast member Zach Piser came to visit one of our drama clubs - talk about a unique and immersive theater experience! It was amazing for our students to get to meet him in real life, after witnessing all the magic he helped create on stage.

As the planners of this event, we hoped to give our students an experience that would bring them closer together, make them feel cared for, celebrated, and inspired, but we never could’ve predicted how amazing the whole experience would turn out to be.

Check out these amazing photos and all of the smiling faces!


The Key to Unlocking the Creativity Within


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